How to increase the Penis: surgical techniques and augmentation without surgery

Today, there are many methods of penis enlargement, but not all of them are effective and safe for the most important functions of this organ erection, ejaculation, and pleasure. So how to enlarge Penis without harm to health?

how to enlarge his Penis

How to enlarge Penis without surgery

Renew your sexual organ of the man tried to do with the ancient, because a large Penis is associated with a strong and productive man.

The Penis loads hung from adolescence to adulthood Penis become more. The effect was not pronounced, and even those methods were extremely uncomfortable and traumatic.

Today, medicine is now so far forward, and men have a small Penis many ways to deal with the Problem. This is as conservative possibilities of the extension and thickening of the Penis, as well as the surgical, radical.

To non-surgical vacuum and traction (train) penis enlargement techniques, in fact – it is a lot of Training the Penis strength.

How to enlarge Penis without surgery

The application of the conservative methods are effective with prolonged Training and regular use of the equipment. However, it is to be expected that the Penis to increase to 8-10 cm, it is impossible, such a miracle not once in the position, surgery.

In the case of the use of such techniques is 1-3 cm in the best case. In doing so, you will need for a long time, endurance and patience of men in the achievement of the objectives.

Vacuum devices work on the principle of changes of blood circulation in the area of the Penis tissue due to the creation of a vacuum. It distributed the blood in the Penis and increases its size. The method helps to increase its thickness, but in length the results are not strong, only 1-2 cm

Devices for the external stretching of the Penis tissue, or Extender, is a special design, the fabric, the lead in the month-long regular workout to gradual stretch of the Penis and increase the length 1.5-3 cm. But doctors point to the fact that it is much more effective the use of extenders would be after the surgical correction values.

How to increase Penis surgically

The aesthetic goal of the surgery for the lengthening and thickening of the Penis are not so long, although the increase Penis during surgery on the various problems of the sexual sphere in men, surgeons were able to and earlier.

Today, the indication for surgery is can only one desire, men make your Penis longer. This is especially important considering that the surgeon particular, already established, Mature, men, a whole series of complex due to discomfort in the genital area.

Today, variants of Operation with the extension, thickening of the Penis, correction of problems with the erection, and the combination of these types of operations.

The doctors highlight how socio-psychological syndrome (locker rooms, problems in sexual life, low self-esteem), as well as physiological, anatomical reasons for the correction (small Penis, hypospadias, injury to the Penis).

The methods of correction of the Penis

Doctors advice the patients always tell you all the possibilities, such as the enlargement of the Penis. In the selection of the surgical method is to keep in mind: it is a complete Operation with indications and contraindications. It is a long recovery period, and not always the result of the Operation follows will be significant. Sometimes you can achieve strong growth even surgically due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of the Penis.

Penis enlargement

The most important type of surgery that is carried out with the aim of extending the Penis surgery Long, and other doctors in the process, they cross the particular bundle of the Penis is supported at the level of the entry in the cavernous bodies, the deep arteries. After crossing this ligament the Penis is in its new Position, so that you can reach an extension of up to 4-5 cm Today, many ways to access the Operation and the exact Plan of Operation developed together with the patient in the individual case.

The Operation is cuts the Implantation of specific prosthesis obviously greater length with the crossing in this Tunica albuginea of the Penis cross. There is the stretching of the Penis a few centimeters.

The Operation of the pen — a special Operation with complete separation of different bodies of the Penis by the head and the Implantation in the space between the head and the special body special cartilage implants. Thereby the tubular and vascular urea-nerves-bundles of stretched due to the natural elasticity. On average, this technique to add up to 3-5 cm in penis length.

There are also other modifications to operations, but the greatest complexity, when performing the maintenance of normal erectile function. Complex processes can lead to the violation of the sensitivity of the nerves and problems with the blood flow and, consequently, to disruption of potency, the urge to urinate and the fertility function.

In the issue of Penis enlargement, the positive results were the observation and treatment must lie under the supervision of an experienced urologist-Andro. No self-treatment or the use of various "self-made inventions" in such a private area is simply unacceptable.