Whether the Penis: what is it really and how does it work

It is known that the small size of the Penis is the main are often the reason for problems in the relationship of the husband with the wife. No understanding on the part of the partner, and disruption of sexual relations, and self-doubt are often the cause of the separation.

Many men are looking for ways to make your Penis enlarge. I can cease to be a member of the modern methods of traditional and folk medicine, we clarify in this article.

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How much is it really

The Operation can be risky, is not always possible for the implementation, so many are looking for answers whether Penis natural methods, medicines, ointments.

We start with the fact that in modern medicine, there are many options for penis enlargement, but the efficacy and safety of the individual methods depends on various factors. So, study before you decide on penis enlargement, in Detail, each of the existing methods separately.

The safest methods of penis enlargement — Polynesian, Taoist, method of stretching, the effect of which depends entirely on the patience, because the work is quite laborious, long-lasting. To achieve the effect of a year requires about. Lessons should be every day for 10-15 minutes.

One of the modern types of manual method of penis enlargement is an Extender is a device that draws a new organ, in the length. The device is worn, work can be during the house. Regular application of the device body men allow to extend to 2 - 3 cm within 6 months. This method has no side effects, contraindications.

Jelqing: how it works

It is known that the Jelqing — developed a series of exercises, the by the Arabs 5000 years ago. It is proven for years, helps men for centuries. This exercise is similar to milking cows. A man must even with both hands together, tail to compress a little, RUB over the entire length by stretching the muscles. It helps increase the volume of the muscles. This method is risky because it may with prolonged use, there may be problems with achieving erection.

How to enlarge his Penis Extender

With the advances in science and medicine, one of the most popular, most effective methods clinically proven Extender is today.

The device was the best solution for those who just want to increase my Penis, without the risk of dangerous Operation, potentially. These devices are handy, easy to use. They are clinically tested, can not only increase the length but also volume. You choose the size of Penis elongation.

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This method of enlargement, the Penis is just at home with the use of this device. Extender pressure on the Penis, stimulates the cell division, which leads to a natural increase in Penis. Using this device at a specified time every day, the Penis expand. Tractive device can be worn from 3 to 8 hours per day, depending on your needs.

After the whole stem of the male member pain appear lots of small cracks at the point where the new binding is created tissue. Due to member increase in circumference, in length.

Penis due to drugs, gels and ointments

Penis enlargement pills are very popular because they improve the flow of blood in this Organ, making it more and more to a few centimeters. Some pills not only increase Libido, but also increase the volume, the length and strength of your erection.

These pills are manufactured from natural herbs that are known to increase the blood stream. But they give only a temporary effect. When their effect ceases cock back into the previous state.

Some of these tablets contain herbs that have two major effects:

  • the blood circulation, improve the blood circulation in the Penis to increase;
  • the stimulate body's own production of sex hormones, such as testosterone.

Tablets, gels, and ointments are sold Online. Many medications contain ingredients generally recognized as safe, but there are drugs with questionable unexplored components.

Gels and ointments are a relatively new product, but work on the same principle as the pills, improves blood circulation, increases the blood flow in the Penis.

Gels and ointments applied lightly with a thin layer on the body, penetrates through the skin directly into the bloodstream.

The effect of this agent is also terminated when you use them. Therefore, we recommend to combine with ointments exercise program to achieve the maximum possible long-lasting results.

These drugs are an excellent addition to the acceleration results from the application of other methods such as traction devices or exercises.

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The application of the penis enlargement pills has many benefits, including the improvement of the sperm, increased sexual energy, stamina and longer lasting erections. However, not all herbal pills are not the same.

The best pills, the the Penis, you must one or all of the following ingredients:

  • Epunedum Sagitum.
  • Ginkgo.
  • With Saw Palmetto.
  • Ginseng.
  • Pepper red sharp.

Epunedum Sagitum, also known as Horny goat weed, improves blood circulation. This herb also has interesting effects, such as boosting Libido, stamina, along with a longer erection.

Ginkgo increases the amount of oxygen in the blood circulation. Can also help repair damaged cellular tissue and promote healthy cell growth.

With Palmetto — improves sexual activity, reduce the content of fatty acids, cholesterol. This means that you not only increased your Penis, but also endurance.

The most important herb for penis enlargement — the fruit of the Cayenne pepper. It stimulates the growth of penile tissues and provides those who are severely damaged.

Ginseng — this is perhaps the most common component of tablets, the increase of the Penis. He also helps in the production of strong sperm and is a proven ingredient in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

There are other tablets for the Penis, made from synthetic ingredients. It can be applied, if they are approved by the FDA.

Can I enlarge Penis-Massage and teas from herbs

Among the most popular methods can be noted, extensions, suspensions, and vacuum tensile stress. They are almost look the same on the body, for the improvement of erection, prevention of impotence, or the extension of the sexual climax.

Traction is non-surgical method for the lengthening of the Penis by the use of devices that stretch the Organ over a longer period of time. This method is used in medicine for the correction of the curvature and shrinkage of the Penis in a result of Peyronie's disease.

To talk about whether or not you can enlarge your Penis with the help of Massage.


Surgically formed space corpus cavernosum of the Penis fill cartilaginous tissue, whereby the authority to 1.5 cm.

However, this method has many disadvantages:

  • the risk of infection;
  • Scars that remain after surgery;
  • Pain associated with the healing of wounds.

Because of the great danger of development of complications, the doctors, in General, skeptical about the implementation of the surgery for penis enlargement of a few centimeters. Such operations often lead men with a small Penis to release hidden under the skin 2-3 inches of the trunk sex organ.

This method also shows in the case of congenital anomalies, or if the anatomical structure of the Penis due to injury.

Most of the men rated with an average Penis, want it even more. At the international consultation of sexual disorders to the conclusion that most men don't want the Operation, if properly informed of the likely outcome and risks of complications.


Doctors recommend massage for penis enlargement. For these purposes, you can do yourself at professional massage therapists, or self. If you choose the second Option, you need to be patient. At the end of the Massage a step-by-step procedure that is carried out day-to-day to achieve the goal.

Massage techniques member of many. One of the most popular and effective methods, Masturbation is the application of the special cream for the Penis, dilates blood vessels, improves the supply of blood in him. Such a procedure is necessary to 2-3 times per week.

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Herbal teas

Herbal teas are better to use as additional Stimulation during the bol effective methods. You can drink teas with Ginseng, thyme. The dried and shredded herb brewed in boiling water, and drink as a tea within four months.

The first thing you have to do is change fast and healthy expansion of the Penis during sexual intercourse, is your lifestyle. It is necessary to improve the quality of life, reduce Stress, avoidance of harmful habits.

You start with a diet: eat less fatty foods. Enter in the diet of foods for good blood circulation. Rather, proteins, tissues, and natural nutrients with the recommended doctors, a quick and natural penis enlargement.

With a good diet and physical activity, you will be able to accelerate the enlargement of the Penis.

In addition to good diet and exercise it is very important to reduce the sources of Stress that prevent a good quality of life. If your life-style to Stress, the more you learn to relax, improve the quality and time of sleep.

Sexologist, the answer to the question of whether or not you can enlarge your Penis, explaining that a few bad habits can habits slow down the process of enlargement of the penis, so avoid excessive Smoking, reduce alcohol consumption and eat a balanced diet.